I creep quietly
step by painful step
past the tired paintings of you
through memories of false days
over the corpse of our joy
and beyond
Darkness and light
empty and whole
I dwell in between days
snared by my weakness
twisting in the maze that is ego
Indexing the shadows
The wind speaks to me
carrying the dust of
ages long past
it echoes within me
in a voice that cries
repetition and doom
when will we learn
She doesn’t like poetry
and yet
she finds beauty in stone
feels and freely gives love
Alice and 11 dreams
in the looking glass
She is poetry
The wilted rose
cannot stand her own petals
imperfections must be removed
until there are none
and only the thorns remain
a prickly twig
She dances in the stars
all love and forgiveness
dreaming of a tomorrow
without worry or blemish
she would carry the world
if it let her
The lady of Scarlet touches me
in the place I don’t want to admit exists
the cesspool of unending sadness
in which my soul seeks to escape
Days like these I twist the dagger
and wonder why I feel at all
I stand alone and face derision
a sadness you will never own
the unknown