I helped you bring fire into this world
a fire you claimed as your own
with night I forgive your selfish desire
with day I rage in my bones
how curious this time
my circular mind
spins round and round on me
each thought ends
where another begins
until thoughts turn into dreams
I seek
locked in warm embrace
captivated by confused longing
I incite riot with the flick of a curious tongue
and linger in the soft shudder
I am always here
in the space between dreams
painting my thoughts upon a canvas of red silk
pretending not to notice you don’t visit anymore
Soft and fragile
It enters in silence
with no fear
and in a splendor
of rainbow hues
altering my perception
of mortality
and the path I walk
We live the charmed life
Sorrow covered in ash and dust
hands to the flame
shivering with contempt
as the lords of the manor
sleep in silk
My pain is a pretender
she smiles sweetly
while peeling my layers
exposing tired bones to the elements
with precision
a banshee in training
One night within
the scrying glass
I spied a shard
a broken past
a memory
I’d given rest
a vision of
the way it ends
a mystery in chains
All silence is golden
all form is splendor
the answers dance within the questions
and I see all that I am brave enough to look upon
Self imposed solitude
the less I speak the more I feel
the more I feel the more I see
the more I see the more I close my eyes
and listen